Mossy Creek Fly Fishing Forecast 9/23/2024

Colby brings us the forecast this week. We have overcast, cloudy, and rainy weather most of the week ahead. Temps will be in the 70's during the day and hovering around 60 for lows. We had anywhere from 1.5 inches to over 4 inches of rain fall since Friday of last week. Many of our brook trout streams are back up and flowing well. With more rain in the forecast and water temps very cool we will look forward to catching a few brookies over the next few weeks before they start spawning. Dry fly action has been good but with unstable weather this week plan on taking plenty of nymphs and small streamers for your brook trout fishing. Stimulators, caddis, ants, little yellow stone patterns, and beetles are working great. Size 14-16 attractor nymphs have also been working well as droppers or fished under an indicator. Spring creeks have tricos still hatching in the late morning hours, hoppers, crickets, beetles, ants, and spotty hex and should see some BWO's on overcast afternoons. Bass fishing has been good today despite rising water levels. Fish are stacked up in the eddies and big ledges. Look for areas that are protected without any current and the bass will be oriented along the seams looking for a meal. Overcast days will bring carp up on the shallow shoals looking for food. Check areas near beds of water willow and look for plumes of mud where the carp are feeding! Musky anglers should see improved success now that clarity is running around 2 feet in most spots along the river. Water temps are running in the 60's right now making for good bass, carp, and musky fishing! Keep an eye on the forecast, radar, USGS gauges, and NOAA rainfall gauges as we have some afternoon thunderstorms possible this week. We are also monitoring the tropical system in the gulf right now as that might be another rain event for us in the future to help us get out of our drought!
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- Tags: fishing report
- Colby Trow