Mossy Creek Fly Fishing Forecast 12/9/2024

Brian brings us the forecast this week. Cold weather and wind kept a lot of folks off the water last week but warmer weather Sunday and today have more folks excited to hit the water. Rainfall Sunday night and early Monday morning didn't amount to much regionally, upwards of just around 1/4 of an inch. Rain Tuesday and Wednesday may reach an inch and that will be a huge help for the streamflow. Streamer fishing through Wednesday should be good while it is overcast and raining. Watch for some cold weather on the backside of this front with highs in the 30's again Thursday with wind. DWR has stocked a few more spots after the Thanksgiving holiday- Spring Run, Cowpasture, Hearthstone Lake, Smith River at the dam, and the Tye. Reports from West VA have been good outside of the very cold and snowy weather. South Branch catch and release has been fishing well for a great piece of water not too far from Harrisonburg. Mossy Creek and Beaver Creek have decent water flows and some good streamer and nymph fishing and afternoon BWO hatches. Shane was out bass fishing today catching a few smallmouth on his birthday. Warmer days can have some of the larger bass out looking for a meal. A bit of rain and some color in the water will help improve the quality of the musky fishing. We have been seeing a lot of musky lately in the large deep pools so we are excited for an action packed winter season!
- Tags: fishing report
- Colby Trow