Mossy Creek Fly Fishing Forecast 8/21/2023

Colby brings us the forecast this week. We are still dry here in the Valley and the outlook still looks pretty dry. There is a chance for some rain starting Wednesday night through Saturday night and the highest probability right now is for Friday. Total rainfall looks to be light as only showers are predicted at the moment. Hopefully this next front will mature and bring us a bit of relief. It was warm out today and warm again on Thursday but it will be mild again by the end of the weekend with highs in the upper 70's by early next week. So we can look forward to more comfortable weather outside but we really need some serious rainfall to get our trout fishing back online. May be some tropical moisture will head our way over the next few months. Typically in an El Nino cycle we can expect 9-12 months of dry weather and we are about halfway through that period at the moment. Until we get some moisture you can have a lot of fun on our warm water fisheries. The smallmouth bass fishing is good right now. The fish become weary in low clear conditions which means you will need to make longer casts right now to get to fish that aren't spooking away from you. This also makes for some excellent sight fishing. We love fishing topwater this time of year and watching fish chase down our flies to eat. Most sunny calm days this fishing is excellent. On cold front days when the fish shut down a bit you will need to fish smaller flies much slower. Last Friday we had cold front conditions and the small crittermite fished very slowly on the bottom put 100 fish in 1 boat. So bass anglers need to load up on poppers, divers, wiggle minnows, clawdads, and crittermites right now. Trout anglers can focus on the spring creeks(Beaver Creek is CLOSED until water flows improve) and tailwater fisheries. Head southwest to find better water levels in VA right now. If you haven't seen our new interview we posted on the Mossy Creek restoration job, be sure to check that out as the newly restored section will have tons of fun cover to fish in the future!
- Tags: fishing report
- Colby Trow