Mossy Creek Fly Fishing Forecast 8/12/2024

Brian brings us the forecast this week. The big news is the rain that fell at the end of last week from Hurricane Debbie. Most of our region received 3-6 inches and some localized areas upwards of 8 inches. Much of the surge in water is now gone and there is some good news. Starting at the top of the mountains Dry River and North River are up and running clear. Reports from Sunday and Monday were really good with water temps around 60 degrees in the afternoon and a lot of brook trout being caught on dry flies. Mossy Creek and Beaver Creek are clear now and fishing well. Mossy Creek anglers on Friday caught a lot of fish streamer fishing in the higher and dirty water. We caught a good number of fish on streamers Monday morning and afternoon but ended up sight fishing a few fish with dry flies. The Shenandoah River is at a fishable level right now but visibility was may be just over 1 foot. A few good fish were caught today on conventional gear. The Maury had about 2 feet of vis and a couple big fish were caught on black/blue clawdads. Over the next few days our larger warm water rivers will continue to clear and with fairly stable weather the fishing should be really good. As for temps the 10 day forecast is showing highs around 80 and lows in the upper 50's and low 60's so fishing will be much more comfortable this week into next! It does look like we have some rain potential starting Friday and into early next week. If you haven't been out fishing in a while, now would be a good time to reengage while the temps are nice and the water levels look wonderful. Check out the video for all the details on the week.
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- Colby Trow