Mossy Creek Fly Fishing Forecast 6/5/2024

Nick brings us the forecast this week. We are expecting some warm weather Wednesday and Thursday and then some milder temps Friday into early next week. Highs in the 70's and lows in the 50's will make for some comfortable weather outdoors. Rain and thunderstorms are currently in the forecast for Thursday and then a slight chance early next week. Expect mostly sunny weather through the weekend! The mountain brook trout streams are fishing well. We have had some localized heavy rain lately keeping North River and Dry River up and flowing strong. Little yellow stones, cahills, ants, and beetles are working well on the brook trout streams. Tricos are getting thick on the spring creeks and fish are eating these insects well from 7:30-10am. Give some terrestrials like ants, beetles, and hoppers throughout the day and then look for some insects in the evening hours. Overcast and rainy days the streamer fishing will pay off big time. State stocked waters are now open for harvest including the Delayed Harvest streams. After June 15th you will not need a trout license to fish these streams. Bass fishing has been excellent. Water levels were below average and clear last week and the topwater bite was amazing. Recent bumps in flows and dirty water conditions will make for some good streamer fishing until everything cleans back up. Load up on Wiggle Minnows and poppers! Musky are pretty active and water temps should be safe if temperatures stay in the upper 60's and low 70's. The big largemouth have completed spawning and can be found on big rock ledges and big wood piles along the banks. We found quite a few nice largemouth on Monday including 1 7 pound topwater fish! Get out and enjoy excellent fishing all over the Valley right now!
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- Colby Trow