Mossy Creek Fly Fishing Forecast 3/6/2023

Andy brings us the forecast this week. It is looking like a typical March here in VA as the weather will be all over the map. Wind is common this time of year and we will have some breezy days with gusts pushing 30mph Tuesday and Wednesday. Cooler weather and rain and snow is in the forecast for Friday. Cool and sunny weather returns for the weekend. The biggest threat to your fishing outside of potential high water from rain will be the cold fronts that push through. Generally fishing prior to a front will bring about some good fishing while fishing the day or 2 after can slow things down a bit. Keep this and water temp changes in mind as you head out over the next few weeks. Caddis were popping off the spring creeks this morning and fish were rising to them. Grab some size 12 and 14 dark brown or black caddis for this hatch that will last a few weeks. Up in the mountains there are still some little black stones crawling around, caddis, and quill gordons popping. The cold nights in the 20's on the mountain tops will cool water temps down this week so make sure you are loaded with nymphs and small streamers. The spring creeks are primed for streamer and nymph fishing right now. DWR is out stocking and water levels are currently hovering at or above average flow on many of our local waterways. Back Creek DH, Jackson Special Reg, Bullpasture, Spring Run, South River, and North River DH are our favorites. The bass fishing was very good through February as water temps hovered in the mid to upper 40's. Once the water stays in the 50's the bite is pretty consistent all the way until the fish move into their pre-spawn areas when water temps hit the upper 50's. Right now the bass are still hovering in their winter holes. Most of the action is found in the big rocky ledges with little current. As water warms up you will find the bass moving to the current seams adjacent to their spawning sites. This is when we consider bass in their pre-spawn pattern. We typically see this early to mid April but it can occur earlier if water temps stabilize around 58-60 degrees. Musky fishing was pretty solid this winter but we are about to enter their spawning timeframe as well. Generally musky start to move in late March early April to spawn. If river conditions allow we will be giving the musky a try for the next few weeks and then we will focus on trout and bass fishing until they complete their spawn. Peak season is here in Virginia! Gear up and get ready for an awesome spring!!
- Tags: fishing report
- Colby Trow