Mossy Creek Fly Fishing Forecast 11/28/22

Andy brings us the forecast for the week ahead. Mild temps in the 50's this week with lows in the 30's. There is a storm system moving in tonight through Wednesday. It is looking like we might get around half an inch and that would be very welcome. Reports from the mountains are showing most of our brook trout have spawned or are finishing up. The spring creeks are in good shape. The browns on Mossy are finishing up spawn and should be more agreeable over the next few weeks. Generally our winter dry fly fishing really gets good on the spring creeks around the 2nd week of December. Reports have shown BWO's on these overcast afternoons getting thick on the water around 2-3pm. If it is raining later today or tomorrow or the creeks get off color prepare to fish streamers over the next few days. DWR is still out stocking every week. North River DH finally got a load of fish. Reports have been solid from the Bullpasture, Spring Run, Jackson, Back Creek DH, and the Jackson Tailwater. Hopefully rainfall this week will be sufficient enough to keep flows strong for the next couple weeks!
- Tags: fishing report
- Colby Trow