Mossy Creek Fly Fishing Forecast 10/28/2024

Nick brings us the forecast this week. The good news is we have more incredible weather ahead. It has been relentlessly sunny, warm, and unfortunately dry. Water levels continue to drop and leaves are starting to fall at rapid pace. Lower flow streams may begin to get choked up with leaves making them even more challenging to fish. We haven't had any recent reports of brookies spawning but this is the time of year we start to see a lot of activity. Warmer weather may have delayed things a bit but anglers should approach the wild brook trout streams as if spawn is in full force right now. For those that opt to fish do your best to concentrate on the faster runs, riffles, and pocket water to find fish that are not actively spawning. Avoid walking around in the calm gravel areas where fish are more likely to cut redds. With water levels being low it is pretty easy to fish from the edges, bedrock, and dry rocks, ect to avoid stepping on nesting sites. The state stocked waters and spring creeks are a great option right now while the brook trout spawn. DWR has stocked some of our local lakes and ponds with trout. Midge and BWO hatches can be fun as the trout will cruise the surface in search of insects to sip off the surface. Fishing streamers and dry droppers can be a fun way to approach lake fishing as well. The spring creeks have been fishing best early and late during periods of low light. With crystal clear water and a low sun angle this time of year fish can be very spooky on shadows overhead. Long leaders, dry dropper rigs, or small to medium sized streamers have been producing fish. Expect browns to be moving around to spawn on Mossy. These fish can be aggressive and territorial at times or can completely ignore your flies. Hoppers, crickets, ants, and beetles are still in play on the spring creeks but we are seeing more action with streamers. Bass anglers have been enjoying the warm weather this month. Smallmouth and largemouth have been active on these sunny and warm afternoons. Most of the fish are congregated around their winter holes and ledges but have been out cruising in search of food. Most of the fish have fat bellies right now. We anticipate the bass fishing to be steady for the next week as the weather remains warm and stable. Musky fishing has been good but the insanely clear water will keep fish a bit weary. Try slightly longer leaders, wire, and downsize your fly a bit for musky in low and clear water if you are having trouble connecting. Fishing conditions will continue to get tougher until we have some rain but it is hard to complain about this beautiful weather! Get out and enjoy it!!!
Recommended Flies:
Attractor Nymphs and Dries for brook trout!
- Tags: fishing report
- Colby Trow