Mossy Creek Fly Fishing Forecast 10/18/2022

Brian brings us this weeks forecast. We wish we had a better outlook but the low water mixed with the leaf litter has made for some challenging fishing. The brook and brown trout are starting to spawn as well. Calm days will be better for bass and musky fishing as the larger rivers are also getting covered with leaves on the breezy days. It will be 2-3 weeks before a majority of our leaves are down and no longer a big issue with fishing conditions. DWR has been out stocking our favorite special reg and delayed harvest streams. Brian updates us on where to go and what flies to use. If you need to get geared up we are loaded up on waders, boots, and apparel for the fall season. We are busy putting away thousands of flies and some exciting new patterns. Check out some on the list below!
- Tags: fishing report
- Colby Trow