Mossy Creek Fly Fishing 6/24/2024

Andy brings us the forecast again this week. It is going to be another hot one all over VA. Little relief from rainfall is in the forecast right now. There is a possibility of afternoon thunderstorms Monday evening and then again Tuesday night into Thursday morning and then again over the weekend. Trout fishing is starting to suffer especially on the smaller streams and State stocked waters as water temps are on the rise and flow continues to drop. Trout anglers should target the tailwaters and the largest spring creeks and fish early morning hours for the best action. Tricos are hatching on the spring creeks, Japanese beetles have emerged, and other terrestrials are making for some good dry fly fishing. Until the temps drop and we get significant rainfall our crew will be focused on our peak summer season bass fishing. Topwater fishing has been great most days. You will find windows when the topwater fishing is better than others. Early morning hours topwater minnows, frogs, and wiggle minnows will usually get an explosive response. In the afternoons when the damselflies and dragonflies are out in big numbers the bass will be looking up for those. Target the shady banks on the hot sunny days in the afternoon hours along with the riffles and runs where the bass will congregate. Water levels are low and clear and you might get lucky finding some big carp up on the ledges feeding. Try a small crayfish, nymph, worm, or big egg pattern for these carp and hold on tight as they will take you for a ride! We have a few dates left in July for float trips that have recently opened up. Give us a call to schedule your float today!
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- Tags: fishing report
- Colby Trow