Mossy Creek Fly Fishing Forecast 5/6/2024

Brian brings us the forecast this week. Fishing has been excellent for the past few weeks. Rain finally came last Friday and the 10 day forecast is showing a potential for rain just about every day. Hopefully evening showers and storms will replenish some of the lack of rain we received in April. For now all our local waters are fishing well from the mountain brook trout streams to the larger warm water rivers. It is important to keep an eye on the weather radars, USGS realtime streamflow gauges, and the VA rainfall gauges to ensure you aren't heading to a stream that received too much rain overnight. It will be nice to get a few more good shots of rain to keep flows up above average for this time of year. Lots of insects hatching right now. Sulphurs and little yellow stones are thick right now. Any fly pattern that is size 12-14 in yellow should crush on the mountain streams. Sulphur duns, sparkle duns, comparaduns, parachutes, and then rusty brown spinner flies or parachute patterns in brown sizes 12-16 will work on the picky fish on the spring creeks. We haven't seen any tricos yet but with this warm weather we anticipate their emergence within a few weeks on the spring creeks to add a good morning hatch to our popular evening hatch. Mossy Creek, Beaver Creek, Spring Run, Buffalo Creeks should see all of these hatches and fishing reports have been solid lately. Jackson tailwater reports have been good as well but it has also been quite busy with a lot of angler traffic. Bass fishing is solid right now. We are enjoying seeing above average nests with fry right now and the recent rainfall didn't bring the river up too high to disturb the spawning areas. We should continue to see bass in various stages of spawning for the next 2 weeks. Do you best to be aware of spawning sites and avoid pulling males off nests that are guarding eggs or fry as nests are very vunerable to predators and nest raiders. Musky are finishing up spawn now too and are much more aggressive and apt to eat right now with the warm water temps. Enjoy this warm week and enjoy some of the overcast days!
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- Colby Trow