Mossy Creek Fly Fishing Forecast 4/22/2024

Thank you to everyone that visited us for our 21st anniversary open house event this weekend and that participated in our online promotion last week! We really appreciate all of the support over the years. Brian brings us the forecast this week. Freezing temps at night are back early this week with lows in the 30's and 40's later this week and then lows in the 50's. Highs will be in the 60's and 70's this week and back into the 80's by the weekend. Multiple fronts will be moving through so the pressure changes mixed with some extreme temperature swings may cause for some slower fishing days. We don't have much rain in the forecast so at a minimum we will have some beautiful mild weather to fish this week. Water levels are excellent everywhere. Look for March browns, hendricksons, bwo's, caddis, and a few yellow sallies in the mountain streams and sulphurs, march browns, and hendricksons on the spring creeks. Try dry dropper rigs in the mountains and on the spring creeks or jig leeches, sculpins, and tactical jig zonkers or natural colored sculpin and crayfish patterns on the spring creeks. The evening hatch on the spring creeks be sure to have some size 14 brown bodied flies or spinner patterns! Bass on the rivers are were spotted on nests last week. This recent cold weather snap may delay some fish from moving into spawning areas but many fish are guarding already so eggs should be in many nests with fry hatching in a matter of days. By the end of the week and over the weekend we expect to see many more bass in full spawn mode. Fish the seam edges and avoid the calm waters in the eddies and ledges to reduce pulling males off nests that are guarding eggs or fry for a couple of weeks. Big crayfish and baitfish patterns will catch largemouth and smallmouth. Musky fishing should be much easier in a few weeks when all musky have completed spawn and are back situated in their summer haunts. Enjoy the great weather this week!
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- Tags: fishing report
- Colby Trow