Mossy Creek Fly Fishing Forecast 4/15/2024

Andy brings us the forecast this week. Rains brought us very high water conditions for most of the region over the weekend. The spring creeks faired well for those that could deal with the wind on the backside of the front. This week we have falling water and really warm weather. Most of our mountain streams are running full but are in fishable condition today and by mid week they will be in excellent shape. That said, keep your eyes on the radar and the VA Rainfall gauges for localized thunderstorms! The Shenandoah is running high and turbid right now but will be fishable mid week. With water temps on most of our warmwater rivers now breaching 60 degrees we will be looking for male bass to be investigating spawning sites to sweep over the next week or 2. The largest fish are generally first to spawn with smaller fish spawning later up to a few weeks after. It is not uncommon to see spawning activity in mid to late May or even early June if water temps are cool or we have consistent flooding in springtime. Right now if water continues to drop and water temps do not drop below 60 things should happen around here over the next 2 weeks. We will have boats back out fishing bass mid week so stay tuned for more reports. We have a few open dates to float now in May that opened up during the week if anyone is still looking to book a trip. Most of our trout trips are fully booked into late June at this point. Trout fishing should bust wide open this week with above average water flows, warm mostly stable weather, and tons of insects hatching! Big bushy dry flies and a good sized(12-14) attractor nymph below should work just about anywhere in the mountains. On the spring creeks we are seeing a lot of BWO activity in the evening hours and some of our larger mayflies are starting to show up. Sulphurs, hendricksons, march browns, and some larger tan and brown caddis are hatching now. The evening spinnerfall is going to start to really fire up this week. Overcast and rainy weather is the perfect time to fish streamers but dry droppers have been very effective! DWR is out and stocking a lot of water. North River DH, North River Upper, Elkhorn Lake, North River Gorge, Cowpasture, and some of the other local impoundents have been stocked recently. Peak spring season is here! Get out and enjoy these wonderful conditions!
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- Colby Trow