Mossy Creek Fly Fishing Forecast 3/4/2024

Warmer weather is back this week bringing us some great early season trout and bass fishing and the musky fishing will continue to be good for a couple more weeks until they begin to move to spawn. Mountain stream temps were in the low to mid 40's lately and we anticipate that to bump up a few degrees early this week. Dry fly fishing has been fun but until our major hatches like the Quill Gordon kick off the majority of fish will be caught on nymphs. Attractor dries like para wulffs, humpys, stimulators, elk hair caddis in size 12-14 will catch fish. Hare's ear, pheasant tails, prince nymphs, and attractor nymphs with hot beads or some bright dubbing will also work. Copper Johns, Bloody Marys, mini mops, and small worm patterns will continue to work through the spring season. Spring creeks are full of water and looking great. Perfect for streamer fishing until our caddis hatches really mature. Susie Q will be stocked again on Tuesday of this week, Beaver Creek, Mossy, and Buffalo are in great shape. Spring Run was stocked on the 1st so there are likely some big fish milling around that spring creek or down in the Cowpasture. We caught some smallmouth, some big largemouth, and a few musky on Monday. The warmwater rivers are in good shape right now for early season bass fishing. We have some more rain in the forecast in the middle of the week and then again over the weekend. Overcast and rainy days can be excellent for big fish this time of year when fishing for trout and musky. Some windy days might be in the cards early next week so gear up now for the week or the weekend ahead!
- Tags: fishing report
- Colby Trow