Mossy Creek Fly Fishing Forecast 11/7/2022

Brian brings us the forecast this week. We are in our last days of warm weather before a cold snap. Cool temperatures over the next couple days are going to transition into nights well below freezing by the end of the week. Along with the drop in temperatures, comes a chance for significant rain on Friday. We are hoping the tropical weather systems down south make their way to the valley and drop substantial rain. This would be much needed rain, as most of our streams are still incredibly low. DWR stocked some of our local impoundments for those that enjoy a bit of stillwater fishing. Hone Quarry, Briery Branch, Elkhorn, and Hearthstone have been stocked. Switzer is also available to fish and has some quality sized triploid brown trout. These trout are sterile so you do not have to worry about fishing them as they will not spawn. Spring Run is low and and clear, but we have received good reports from those who have been fishing it. South River has been very busy with angling traffic but received a healthy shot of rain over the weekend. Beaver Creek has been good lately but permits are still a challenge to get as it is the best option for quality numbers of fish right now. Mossy has been challenging lately as many of the browns have been seen in spawning activity. Check out the entire video for specific tips on fishing stocked trout water and how trout behavior changes throughout the season. Keep your fingers crossed for more rain by the end of the week!
- Colby Trow