Mossy Creek Fly Fishing Forecast 5/29/2023

Brian brings us the forecast this week. We have a slight chance of rain Monday night into Tuesday but we aren't expecting much. Hopefully we can pull over a half an inch to get a slight bump in our trout streams. After this front passes it looks to be hot and sunny and dry for the remainder of the week. Trout anglers should do their best to get out and enjoy the insect activity and dry fly fishing. Little yellow stones, green drakes, and sulphurs have been thick lately. With water levels being low it won't be hard to find fish as they are stacked up in the deepest runs, pools, and riffles. Use a stealthy approach on the trout waters right now as everything has been running crystal clear! Tricos have been thick on the hot mornings on the spring creeks. Look for these bugs emerging early at daylight and the spinnerfall starting around 8am. The spinners will drop later and later as the summer season progresses. Make sure you look 20-30 feet above the creek to find the trico swarms. They are usually way above the creek when they are mating and most anglers don't look high enough to see them. The tricos will generally be thicker around riffles and faster flowing water. Suphurs and drakes are making an appearance late in the evening hours sometimes only around 30 minutes before dark. Target these early and late feeding periods especially on hot bright days as you can maximize your time on the water when the hatches are thick. Hit your favorite DH streams as they will be open for harvest soon. DWR was out stocking this past week. Elkhorn Lake, Jackson at Hidden Valley, Bullpasture, and Spring Run were stocked. Some West VA streams are fishing really well right now too! The bass fishing has been great lately. The topwater bite has been good with swimming frogs, deer hair bugs, and murdich sliders. Water temps have been hovering in the upper 60's but we will likely see a spike into the mid 70's by the end of this coming week. Once water temps approach 74 degrees we give the musky a break. Recently the musky bite has been good with the water being warm. The clear conditions can make these fish a bit spooky or reluctant during bright and sunny days so give them a try early and late when the light is low. Have fun and be safe out there!
- Tags: fishing report
- Colby Trow