Mossy Creek Fly Fishing Forecast 2/7/2022

Nick brings us the fishing forecast this week. The ground is now green again as almost all the snow in the Valley has melted. You will still find snow up on the mountain tops and the north facing slopes. There are actually some snow squalls pushing through this morning along the Allegheny ridge. Rain last week along with the snow melt spiked water flows over the weekend. This is excellent news for the fishing over the next few weeks. We anticipate DWR will be out stocking our favorite local streams now that water flows are recharged. North River upper, Dry River, North Fork Shenandoah, and South River in Grottoes were stocked recently. Back Creek, Jackson, Cowpasture, Bullpasture, Maury, and Spring Run have been stocked in the past few weeks. The Shenandoah is still up and off color. The musky fishing should resume once flows drop back to normal levels. If you haven't seen the updates on our upcoming events, mark your calendars for an Iron Fly at Three Notch'd Harrisonburg on Friday, February 18th at 7pm and the F3T Film Tour on Friday, March 18th at 7pm!
- Tags: fishing report
- Colby Trow