Mossy Creek Fly Fishing Forecast 1/31/2022

Brian brings us the fishing forecast this week. It will be cold the first few days and then we get a mild stretch of weather starting mid week. Rain is headed our way Wednesday night into Friday. Hopefully some of the snow in the valley will melt and seep into the ground before the rains come. Right now the snowpack is completely frozen solid. Rain on top of this could cause some flash flooding. Keep an eye on the forecast for Thursday and Friday and watch the USGS gauges Friday and through the weekend. The Cowpasture, Maury, Hidden Valley, and North River Upper rivers have been stocked in the past few days. Be careful if you head up into the GW Forest as many of the roads are still covered and slick. We will continue to focus our efforts on the spring creeks until conditions improve on the larger rivers. Stay tuned for some exciting updates on Iron Fly Tying events, F3T Film Tour, Spring Open House, and more!
- Tags: fishing report
- Colby Trow