Mossy Creek

Mossy is similar to Pennsylvania spring creeks with fishable hatches of many species of mayflies and caddis. A four mile section of Mossy is open to the public thanks to an arrangement between landowners, Trout Unlimited, and The Virginia Department of Game & Inland Fisheries. Each fall Mossy is stocked with fingerling brown trout. These fish grow quickly and the individuals that last a few years are as wild and wily as any stream born trout. Contrary to the information given in some regional guide books, Mossy is an extremely challenging stream and is not recommended as a place for beginners. Dry fly fishermen, familiar with Mossy’s moods fish it carefully and slowly, often crouching or kneeling along the bank. Surface action can take place all year with tiny Olives hatching sporadically throughout the winter. By mid April hatches of larger blue winged olives and sulphurs become regular. Trico action usually begins around Memorial Day and can last until Halloween. It is the summer dry fly fishing for which Mossy is most famous.
Most of the public section runs through open meadows. By late July trout are used to seeing grasshoppers, crickets, beetles, and ants and the fish become very aggressive on the surface. The average fisherman has his best chance of seeing and hooking really big fish in Mossy at this time. Streamer fishing on Mossy can also bring about some action from the largest fish. The best opportunity we usually see for landing the largest browns of the year is during a high water event. Heavy spring rains or tropical systems that move over the area dumping multiple inches a day will stain the water and increase the flow. The biggest browns will emerge from the undercuts and holes and move to the shallow moss beds to ambush disoriented bait washing downstream. Don’t be afraid to throw flies in the 4-6 inch range to entice a strike by some of these monsters.
Access to Mossy Creek is available with a FREE permit that is allocated at the Verona office of the VDGIF. The permit is good for one year from the date of issue.
Directions from Mossy Creek Fly Fishing
- Take 33 West to I-81.
- Take I-81 South to Exit 240 (Mt. Crawford/Bridgewater Exit).
- Take Rt. 257 West(3.3 Miles) to the town of Bridgewater.
- Turn left at the T intersection onto Rt. 42 South.
- Take 42 South(3.7 miles) and go straight over the bridge where 42 takes a 90 degree left turn. (The parking area on the right is 1 of 2 public parking areas.)
- Continue straight over the bridge follow Mossy Creek Road 1.2 miles and take a left onto Kyles Mill Road.
- Continue for .5 miles until you see the public parking area on the left next to the iron bridge.
A FREE Permit is Required from Verona office of the VDGIF or ONLINE
Obtain Permit at VDGIF Office:
Street address:
517 Lee Highway, Verona, VA 24482 Mailing address:
P.O. Box 996, Verona, VA 24482 Phone: (540) 248-9360
8:15 AM – 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday